Friday, March 21, 2014

10 things you'll realize when you work with children

1. You know a bath at 8 am means blowout to the extreme.
2. you hear can I have a bite 100 x per day over a slice of toast
3. you'll be informed of everything mommy and daddy tell them
4. when they say mommy eat my baby means that mommy is pregnant
5. you hear something along the lines of "i'm minnie" or "i'm sofia" about 1000 x per day
6. they can have a deep conversation about the size of their BM
7. you know you need wipes 24/7
8. the phrase "dont eat your buggies" or "stop picking your nose" is said 1000 x per day
9. you'll become the best doctor ever because one kiss makes everything better
10. and most importantly no matter how bad your day is one snottie, mouth full of food "sugar" makes you all warm and gushy inside.