We have been so busy its hard to keep up with work, church, trying to execirse and maintain a clean hose( well trying on that too) all on top of being in the first trimester of this pregnancy.
If that wasnt enough all of our computers seem to be having some sort of issue so i guess a blog post through my phone/ or ipad will have to do.
Pregnancy has been great! Couldnt ask for more. Baby is moving alot. Not that i can feel it yet but according to our doppler we have a little ninja in our hands.
Flutters.. This has been one of the best feelings ever. I'm wasn't completly sure all the time is baby but when I lay down on my back i do feel little flutters (thats what I've heard everyone call them but they feel like I have gas in my belly and its just passing through my organs.. Excuse me for the TMI) but i discover its not that since my stomach is not that low and the doppler catches the movement at the same time.
Speaking of our doppler.. This has been the best purchase we've made. E.V.E.R. I wouldnt say it gives me peace of mind because I know God will never let anything happen to our sweet pea but its just a blessing to hear the heart beat and movements. I fall in love each time I hear it.
I have our gender reaveal party post ready to go but somehow we cant post the video. Im not computer smart at all.
We went on our yearly vacation,also knowns as our anniversary, a little early this year mostly due to cruise rules on pregnancy and if we are honest WE REALLY NEEDED IT. It was amazing. Post to come on that and pictures.
I've lacking on the weekly updates but will start that here soon. Hopefully our computer gets fixed at apple over the weekend and we'll have it next week.
Speaking about that.. Insert my fear of all our pictures getting ereased, and I dont have a clue as far as how the cloud works so I'll be doing this the old fashion way amd saving them on memory sticks or cds until it gets fixed. And maybe they'll be nice enough to show me how the cloud thing works.
Well thats all for now! Have a good week! GB