Yep we had that love-hate relationship but in all honesty it was more of a hate thing!
Waking up early was the worst. ( to realize that in real life some times people, like myself, have to go to work earlier)
The teachers oh man.. What a pain. Now I was blessed enough with some amazing teachers that I will say.
But there were two girls that made it all worth it... Two girls that made my mornings, mid-days and afternoon.
They were and still are a huge part of my heart!
Heres comes the HUGE but...
BUT things change. People change.
Those two girls are now women (such am i) and our schedules are busy. With work and school we hardly have time to breath none the less go out.
Do I miss them? With all my heart! Do i want to make time and spend like before hours and hours on the phone with them talking about nothing? Yes! Do I desperately want to spend a whole day with them just being us, the crazy us?Absolutely. Is it going to happen anytime soon? Not likely....
Its hard to realize that we are getting older. Is hard to comprehend that the people we once were is not even remotly close to the people we are now. I love those two girls like sisters but sadly things have changed too much that if and when we hang it I know for a matter of fact it will never be the same!
I will forever be the boring christian girl ( man woman. I keep forgetting I'm old now)
I will forever be the girl who will not i repeat WILL NOT step a foot in a bar or a any place where there is music loud enough for me not to hear my own voice. Yep thats boring me, and I wouldnt have it otherwise.
I wish we could go back in time for just one day and hangout in the back of the school just talking about our future! The schools we planned to attended, the dreams we had about our life. Everything silly we talked about! All of that! I wish for one day we could all skip school while 9th, 10th and 11th grade were taking their test to go to subway and ride in Ana's car all over the town!
I wish we could have one day, like that one, again.
But realizing that we have to grow up and accept the fact that we are all diferent now that we have all changed who we are and what we want out of life is the hardest thing ever. These two girl will always, ALWAYS, be in my heart! I will love them forever and ever as cheesy as that sounds. And one day when we finally all sit together and hang out I will tell them how much I still love them and how much they mean to me.
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