Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our surprise!!

So its official after multiple pregnancy test, doctors office and a very sick me we are pregnant and could not be happier. It has been a rough,and now that we think about it, a short road.

So this is how it happened....

On July 14 I had my yearly ob visit everything went great according to the doctor. I told her that we were trying to have a baby and had been trying since early March and nothing yet. She did not seem even a litte worried. She said it takes about 6-12 months for a normal couple and after a year we would explore a little more if i was not pregnant yet.  I left the office with a little pit in my belly... That was not the answer i wanted to hear 6 months!!! WOW but oh well we had God and he was going to do it at his time.

The  next day I had my physical with my general doctor and I told him about my horrible hurt burn and even worse headaches. He did some test and everything was coming out great! YAY!

By July 16 I was cramping really bad but no period. I was 6 days late, not so normal but not out of the ordinary lately.  So that morning I decided to take a HPT. I had bought one at the dollar store a few weeks before and I had a pack of EPT but I was not a fan of getting a negative on a $15 test.
So it came out like this....
You can't  see the second line.. but its there!
If you look close enough, with one eye or half of that eye you can see a very, very light pink line.

I decided to wait and not tell anyone, not even the hubster and just wait until the next morning!
 The following morning I took my EPT test. The last one in the box and to my surprise the second line appear even clearer now!! I was jumping up and down in our guest bathroom at 5:45 in the morning!

Now thats better!

I went to my mom to work, we had some issues at the house that were being resolved so the kids were meeting me there. As soon as I got there i told my mom I NEEDED to go to the pharmacy.
At 9am I took the 3rd test and this time the line came up faster and brighter!!! I came out of the bathroom with the biggest smile! So much that my mom took a look at me and told me "OH MY GOSH you are pregnant right!? Right!!!"
We jumped a little and after many hugs we got back to doing our work.

 By 12 i couldnt hold it in anymore!! I went to the store while our helper and my mom stayed with the kidos and got my husband a onesie, some baby leggings, a soccer aplique, fabric paint and a t-shirt for him.

That day  he had come home early due to a little accident he had the night before, lets just say stitches, bloodly hands and butterfly stiches where involved.

So at 3Pm I went home and gave him this box with everything else in it.
His reaction was and it still is priceless. He kept saying "are you serious?" Really we are going to have a baby?!" I will post the video of it at a later time!!

But for now this is our story with baby E!! So now we can officially say Baby E makes 3!!

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