Is something that came with many conversation, many decision and many pauses.
In all honesty baby was a conversation that over the past 5 years we have had many times.
We talked about the name but we wanted to have this baby at our perfect time. We wanted to choose the date the baby would be born and when I was going to be pregnant.
After postponing it for a couple of months even years now that we have finally decided it that it was the right time here we stand about 3 months later and sadly no baby.
I've never imagined that it was going to be hard. I never imagined that it was going to take long at all. I expected it to be easy to be done in a month.
In all my sadness I found myself telling my husband "How can this be?" How can I be a month late and have a negative pregnancy test. A week later while laying in bed with my husband I got my period.
At that moment I didn't know what to think..
My heart broke... My eyes filled with tears and everything I had hope for and every article that I had read came to mind. I felt dumb. I felt like I had tricked my own body to think that I was pregnant and the test were not registering it.
As I went back to bed I couldn't help but cry as I told my husband. His natural reaction through all of this process has been simply amazing. He encourages me and has been very supportive. I honestly cannot complain. This time around he did exactly what I needed. No questions asked he hugged me and promised that God had a bigger plan.
Is hard to imagine that it could ever be this difficult, that it could ever take this long but according to statistics it really can take from 6 months to a year and we are not even close to either or.
We have kept trying and doing our homework is not hard at all.... but it is hard to see month after month. But then something hits me..the idea that I'm being too selfish, that I'm thinking this is rough, hard and find myself questioning what God has planned for my life when there are people out there going through rougher patches than we are.
When there are people that are suffering from loss, infertility and they have been at it for years and still have the faith to lift up their heads and continue on.
And today just today I read something that has changed the way I look at all of this.
With all my heart I believe that HE is able to do it, He is able to exceed all of my expectations.
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